
Please take a moment to read through a few testimonials from our satisfied clients:

“You have made all the difference in my day-to-day life by constantly tracking and monitoring matters which heretofore overwhelmed me…You are a true business partner and friend! I can’t say enough about the services of SCA with you as my eyes and ears and your wonderful attitude.”


“My SCA bookkeeper is highly skilled in matters of finance and taxes, completely trustworthy, and a enjoyable person to work with.” 


“Sandy is an absolute gem. I couldn’t function without her!”


“We have been very satisfied with the excellent level of service, professionalism and assistance we have received from Mrs. Norma Hamm. We would be lost without her.” 

Lynn and Tony

“We feel so blessed to know Sandy because she is such a wonderful person. She is incredibly helpful and provides us with a peace of mind knowing she is by our side. We are so fortunate and thankful to have her helping and looking out for us on a regular basis.” 

Bill and Gerri